Alerts and Announcements
September 7, 2016: Gender Non-Specific Restrooms
Lane is working to ensure that there is good access to gender non-specific restrooms on all of our campuses. Over the weeks of September 6th and 12th, we will be removing "Men's" and "Women's" signage from all single-use restrooms and replacing those signs with a sign that says, "Single-Use Restroom. This restroom is for everyone." One multi-stall restroom will even be converted into a gender non-specific restroom. Click here for a list of Lane's single-stall and multi-stall gender non-specific restrooms.
June 22, 2016: Summer Temperature Guidelines
Summer is here. Yay! With summer comes warmer weather. Lane's indoor summer temperature standards are 74 to 77 degrees F. These were developed to create comfortable conditions for the greatest number of students and staff and to balance a comfortable learning and working environment with energy conservation. Some spaces may be cooler than that, however our Facilities Mgmt & Planning staff try to maintain the 74 to 77 degrees F temperatures because of research that shows the range is more comfortable for people who are transitioning from outdoors to indoors and who are wearing warm weather clothes.
Here are some reminders and tips for you to use to keep cool and save energy this summer:
- Wear lighter clothing if it is warm in your area.
- Hydrate! Drink water during the day.
- Close your blinds during the hottest parts of the day or if the sun is directly hitting the window.
- Use a portable fan or adjust your ceiling fan speed to help cool your body. Please make sure you turn the fan off before you leave work for the day.
- Keep your lights off when you can.
- If you believe that it is hotter than 77 degrees F in your area and you are uncomfortable, please submit a work request to have equipment inspected. See the instructions for submitting a work request.
July 2016 General Updates
Center for Learning and Student Success
Remaining punchlist items are related to mechanical systems.
Commissioning is ongoing and is helping to tune up and improve the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for the building.
Building 18 Second Floor Remodel
The Construction Manager/General Contractor is working on generating a guaranteed maximum price by July 1st for review at the Board of Education meeting in July.
Construction is slated to begin in mid-July with substantial completion by December 5, 2016.
Central Plant Upgrade
Tunnel Piping Improvements: The majority of the tunnel piping and insulation work is complete. Remaining work consists of minor modifications to the heating water system, which will be performed in July.
New Chiller Building: Construction of the new building is complete, with the exception of minor finish work. Concrete pathway repairs are complete and finish grading is in progress to prepare for future landscaping.
Chiller Replacement: New chillers are installed and are serving the campus.
Building 12 Piping Modifications: Removal of the existing chiller is scheduled for early July. This will clear the way for installation of new campus chilled water and heating water pumps in July.
Electrical Improvements: Building 12 and the new chiller building are currently served by one of the new transformers. Installation of the second transformer is underway. An electrical shutdown will be scheduled for mid-July to complete electrical connections for the second transformer. The shutdown will be coordinated to minimize or eliminate impact to occupants.
Facilities Team Reports
Grounds: This month we have begun the playground improvement project at Child Care Building 26. We are also:
- Pruning and weeding at Building 5, LTD and the Labyrinth.
- Installing signs between Parking Lot L and Building 13 that direct people to not use that slope as a walking path, but to instead use the elevator in Building 16.
- Power washing at north Center.
- Finishing up some irrigation fixes.
- Cleaning and mowing around the track and waste water treatment plant in preparation for the Olympic Trials.
Custodial: We are working on our annual summer deep cleaning of classrooms, restrooms, and common areas. We are also now at 550 without a time-loss accident.
Facilities Project Updates:
Building 26 Playground: Excavation and backfill work are complete. The Grounds crew is currently working on irrigation installation, seeding and planting.
Florence Security Upgrade: These improvements are now complete. They included installation of three card-readers and emergency lockdown capability for these three doors.
Center for Meeting and Learning Dishwasher: This project is completed.
Exterior Handrail Upgrade: Demolition has been completed and the parts for the handrail system on on order.
Blue Door Theater Tech Booth: This project is on hold because of permitting issues. We expect them to be resolved soon and for the project to start in August.
ESL (English as a Second Language) space upgrade: This project was canceled due to lack of funding.
Resurfacing the Gym Floor: This project started on June 27th and will be completed by August 5th.
Transportation Growth Management Grant: Facilities collaborated with Lane County, City of Eugene, and LTD on an ODOT Transportation Growth Management grant application. If awarded, this grant would fund a study to determine a method to provide better bike and pedestrian access on 30th Avenue fro Hilyard to I5. The grant application was submitted in June and award notifications are expected in August.
Facilities Planning Work:
Current Facilities Planning work includes:
Titan Plaza – Building 3 South Exterior Concrete and Landscaping Improvements: We are working with a landscape architect to establish scope and estimate costs.
Building 3 Safety and Security Improvements: An architect is working on conceptual designs to improve Building 3 security.
Gym Lighting Control Upgrade: Design is in progress. Due to competing demands for staff time, installation will likely be moved from summer to winter break.
Concrete Safety Improvements: Cracked and worn concrete sidewalks to the west of Building 19 have been fixed. FMP is currently working with an engineer to design ADA compliant concrete pathways to replace uneven asphalt pathways to the south of Building 18. This second improvement is also expected to take place this summer.
Bike Lane Maintenance and Storage Building: Site work construction documents are nearly complete. A site work RFP will be released in July. The site work is expected to be completed by late August. While site work is happening, design work on the construction of the building will be completed. Construction on the building is expected to happen fall term.
Archives Move from old DTC to Main Campus (Building 7): Design work on this project continues. Demolition of laundry specific piping will take place in July.
Wayfinding: We are planning to update the exterior kiosk maps and correct interior and exterior wayfinding this summer. Survey and planning work is in process.
Seismic Grant: In 2015, we submitted seismic rehabilitation grant applications for Buildings 2, 18, and 19. This year, we will be resubmitting the Building 2 and Building19 grant applications and also submitting grant applications for Buildings 15 and Florence Center. An engineer has started the feasibility studies for the Building 15 and Florence Center applications.