This page is part of the 2016 Lane website archive, and is presented for historical reference only.

Operations Manual

Operations Manual

College Council Agreements

Establish three subcommittees to lead the College Council scope of work - Planning, Budget Development, and Governance. (October 1, 2004)

Postpone appointment of a Policy Subcommittee. (October 1, 2004)

Council Chair may fully participate in Council discussions. In the event the chair's participation undermines discussion, the chair will pass facilitation to the vice chair or other member. (October 1, 2004)

Council Members by Position may be considered by each governance council. Such positions will be "ex-officio" (literally by office) and will be ongoing council members. Ex-officio positions will have voting rights but may not veto council consensus. (October 1, 2004)

Standing Committees The governance subcommittee will work with the Executive Team to determine whether existing standing committees are operational; and will propose assignment to the governance councils as appropriate. (October 12, 2004)

Meeting Agenda Process (October 12, 2004)

  • Chair and vice chair develop proposed agenda
  • Members may suggest agenda items
  • 3 days before meeting, chair e-mails agenda and posts to web
  • Agenda may be revised at the start of a meeting; and may be added to with the support of at least two members
  • Agreement on items added to the agenda fewer than 3 days before a meeting will be considered tentative and may be raised for reconsideration at the following meeting (to ensure full participation)

Minutes Process (October 12, 2004)

  • Note taker established at first meeting of the academic year
  • Minutes will list key subjects discussed, agreements reached, and actions taken
  • Chair receives minutes prior to next meeting, revises if necessary, and forwards to vice chair for agreement
  • 3 days before next meeting, chair e-mails notes to council members
  • Next meeting agenda includes invitation to revise and/or approve the notes
  • Chair posts approved notes to the web

Chair and Vice Chair Roles (October 12, 2004)

  • Collaborate to ensure scope of work and work plan are accomplished
  • Calls meetings and establishes location
  • Chair facilitates meetings with aid from vice chair when needed
  • Develop agenda, review and revise notes
  • Work with College Council as necessary (details to be added later)

Meeting Process and Consensus Decision-making (October 12, 2004)

  • Robert's Rules will regulate council meetings (to be developed by the governance subcommittee, will emphasize efficiency, participation, and clarity).
  • Chair may fully participate in meeting discussions. Facilitation will pass to vice chair or another member if the discussion is undermined by the chair's engagement in the issue.
  • The consensus decision-making model underpins the governance system structure. Members blocking consensus are expected to explain their opposition and may offer an alternative proposal.

College Council Relations with Governance Councils (November 5, 2004)

Governance Councils:

  • Post agenda and minutes to the governance webpage
  • Forward formal recommendations to the College Council (chair)
  • Report as requested to the College Council
  • Request inclusion on College Council agenda as appropriate
  • Seek counsel from governance coordinator or governance subcommittee as necessary on governance process questions

College Council:

  • Assign and clarify scope of council work
  • Review council agenda and minutes
  • Request council chairs and/or vice chairs attendance at College Council meeting
  • Request council reports to College Council
  • Ensure adherence to governance charters

Council Chairs and Vice Chairs:

  • Meet at least once a term to coordinate the work of the councils

Reports from College Council Chair, Executive Team, Faculty Council, Management Senate, ASLCC, LCCEA, and LCCEF will be a standing College Council agenda item. (November 19, 2004)

Planning, Governance, and Budget Development Integration work will be accomplished by the College Council as a whole (rather than by a sub-group). (November 19, 2004)

One meeting each month will be a business meeting and one will be a work session. (November 19, 2004)

Council Work Plans - request by December 10 (a request, not a mandate). (November 19, 2004)

Gallery Time - [September 23, 2004 meeting notes state that councils will not have gallery time where nonmembers can speak. This is noted as a point of discussion, not as an agreement. February 4, 2004 meeting notes record this from the College Council chair: Gallery members may speak if the discussion does not extend the time allotted for the item on the agenda.]

FY06 Budget Plan (January 7, 2004)
Base budget of $396M - includes a 4% enrollment increase. Delay major decisions to fall of 2005 for fiscal year 2007. Develop strategy for FY06 by February. Implement strategy for FY06 by April.

Implement a pilot four-day instructional schedule for the 12-week 2005 summer term on main campus only. (February 4, 2004)

Revised FY06 Budget Development Plan (February 4, 2004)

This process, criteria and timeline has been developed for use in the 2005-06 budget process only. College Council will develop a process for the 2006-07 budget by May 2005.


  1. Cost containment memo sent by the president to all staff
  2. Finance Council reviews projections
  3. Ask councils to identify ideas for one time savings. This is an attempt to generate areas for review. We are not asking councils to finalize recommendations.
  4. Administrative analysis of ideas generated.
  5. Staff work reviewed by budget development sub-committee for alignment with strategic plan and prioritization.
  6. College Council review and recommendation.
  7. Recommendations incorporated into proposed budget


  1. No significant negative impact on enrollment, access, tuition revenue.
  2. Can be postponed without major harm; delaying does not result in substantially increased costs or limits optimizing resources in the future.
  3. One time impact - not recurring; postpone projects that can be postponed but do not result in reducing recurring budget.
  4. Complies with board policy, contracts, etc.
  5. Does not diminish revenue streams significantly.
  6. Carefully review proposals for recurring reductions for impact.


College Council finalizes plan - February 4, 2005
Board approval -  February 9, 2005
Finance Council review of projections -  February 15, 2005
Councils generate ideas   February 7 - February 18
Administrative analysis   February 22 - March 7
Budget development sub-committee review (Including feedback loop to councils)  - March 8 - March 17
College Council review - March 18
College Council review - April 1
Recommendations incorporated into proposed budget -  April 26

Other issues:

Budget development sub-committee will also discuss the use of the ending fund balance and tuition and make recommendations to the College Council if necessary.